Life “NEVER FORGET PEOPLE WHO: Stay Loyal, Are Genuine, Keep Their Word, Betrayed You, Disrespected You.” – Adam Hoyt
Heartbreak “Closure doesn’t always come knocking; sometimes, you have to build your own door and then slam it shut. Pretend it’s behind you, and keep on walking.” – Adam Hoyt
Love “A loving partner isn’t someone who shelters you from storms, but one who teaches you to dance in the rain.” – Adam Hoyt
Life “It’s not just a paycheck; it’s respect and appreciation that keep a family together.” – Adam Hoyt
Life “Don’t act more important than you are. If you’re supposed to be the leader, people will treat you like one. Understand your role and leave if it’s not appreciated.” – Adam Hoyt
Life “Trusting someone is giving them the power to break your heart, but hoping they won’t.” – Adam Hoyt
“Without continuous effort, even the brightest flame of love can dim to a flicker.” – Adam Hoyt 256 Views
“Love is the wolf’s pack, while intimacy is the shared howl under a moonlit sky.” – Adam Hoyt 237 Views
“True love isn’t merely a feeling, but a relentless climb, demanding grit at every ascent.” – Adam Hoyt 243 Views